Download the Server Emulators Data Sheet: Server Emulators
While StartUp & Commissioning of a Data Center and Based on ASHRAE (“Design Considerations for Datacom Equipment Centers”) these are the Commissioning Levels:
- Level 1 – Review and Factory Witness Tests
- Level 2 – Pre-Functional Testing
- Level 3 – Functional Testing
- Level 4 – Individual System Test (IST)
- Level 5 – Integrated Systems Operational Test (ISOT)
ISOT level requires temporary loads to meet the real limits & issues when facility is 100% loaded!! but at initial loads (20-30%):
- What is the Performance?
- and the Efficiency?
- What about the Air flow management?
Then it is necessary to rent and install Temporary Heaters, with 2 possible technologies: Servers Emulators and Industrial Heaters.
Server emulators: when racking and containments are installed, this is the best solution:
- Real environment with emulators (∆T similar to IT equipment)
- Not only heat but same airflow than IT devices
- 19″ racked systems with 2-4 U high, localized loads
- Detailed information with High precission
- Performance and Efficiency increase with Cx
Servers Emulators can be used to define the grow of your IT equipment in the following years, combined with CFD Analysis and Thermographic pictures it is possible to evaluate the limits of your IT room in therms of cooling and power, defining the best position for your new IT devices with total confidence and keeping the redundancy.
Industrial Heaters: if the white space is empty, the only solution to ISOT
- Not Real environment
- Just add Heat to the room
- Room installation, huge loads same place
- Information with Low precission
- Performance and Efficiency would change during operation