Critical Infrastructure Check
Download our Templates for your own Check:
This is a check list to be performed by yourself in about 1-2 hours depends of the size of the Data Center.
We have a template with some questions to check easy by yourself, according best practices and standards. You need to have basic measurement equipments like: Thermal Camera, Airflow Meter, Thermometer, Hygrometer and Particle Counter for Dust measurement.
- Few Dirtiness Measurement to evaluate dust level
- Few Thermal Camera Pictures of the corridors to detect hot spots
- Few Airflow measurement in the grilles to detect defect/excess of airflow
- Thermal Picture of the Main Switchboard to detect overhead switches
- Check Temperatures/Humidity per corridor and Delta T
- Check of state of the door
- Construction/building materials according to fire protection
- Check of redundancy in cooling and power general analysis
- Check of Rack Cabling
- Check the surface dirtiness in racks and equipments
- Check security system, cameras, lock, access
- Check in fire system
- Building management system (general systems under supervision)
Critical Infrastructure Inspection
This is a Proffessional Inspection of the situation from the point of view of the Environmental Situation including Cooling, Dirtiness and Thermal Camera measurement, could be required some info about power consumption per rack, line or UPS provided by the client.
You will need about 1 day to measure all the racks with IR Thermometer, Some points of heat humidity, velocity of the grills and Fill our Excel File.
- Self inspection
- Computational Fluid Dynamics Audit, optional 1 extra scenario
- Final Report by ATD and ATS with Conclusions and Advise according the best practices and standards ISO 14644 and ASHRAE TC 9.9 about the actual situation and how to increment performance, security, energy saving, etc.
Prices depends of the size of the Data Center, then need a plant view and total sqm to quote, i.e. until 20 racks about 2750 €.
Critical Infrastructure Audit
This is a Big Picture of the Situation including Electrical and Cooling System, Redundancy and Environmental Situation.
Deep inspection according ISO 14644, ASHRAE TC 9.9 and UPTIME INSTITUTE, performed and signed by ATD (Acredited Tier Designed) and ATS (Acredited Tier Specialist) by UPTIME INSTITUTE.
- travel
- hotel & diets
- Inspection by ATD or ATS experienced professional
- Thermal Audit
- Computerized Fluid Dynamics Audit with 1 extra scenario
- Final Report with Conclusions and Advise about the actual situation (Tier topology) and how to increase performance, security, energy savings, etc.
Prices depends of the size of the Data Center, then need a plant view and total sqm to quote.
More services on demand
- Engineering or Electro-Mechanical Consultancy Services
- Operational Sustainability
- Topology Upgrade based on Uptime Institute Standard
- Commissioning of New Data Centers
- IT Upgrading Test with Heat Emulators